To show its support for Jefferson alumni to pursue a career locally in the one of the building trades, JAG has committed to provide Cedar Rapids Jefferson High School graduates accepted in an apprenticeship program $100 to offset some of the costs of their training. There may be additional funding in the future, as well.

To apply for this assistance, please CLICK HERE to print-off this form,
fill it out, and email to JAG

Jefferson Alumni Golf Tournament

The tournament is a four-man best-shot format. It is capped at 32 teams and has been sold out in recent years. Many former athletes, former and current coaches and J-Hawk supporters have competed. Fittingly, former Jefferson coach Bob Ask often delivered a pre-tournament greeting and prayer. Bob died in July 2023.

The JAG outing is played on the second Saturday in August at Ellis Park each year. It has raised more than $135,000. The money has largely benefitted the football program, but also has been distributed to other sports in need.

Thank you, Jefferson Alumni Golf, for hosting your Winter Fundraiser at X-Golf.
Together, we were able to raise $2,800 for JAG!

Tournament Results: 1st Place 61 (playoff hole 1) Doug McAllister , Emmitt Hamed, Brandon Becker
2nd Flight, 1st Place 73: Shawn Wiederin, Bret Wiederin, Brayden Brueggemeyer
Long Drive: Dalton Jellison. Closest to Pin 7: Brandon Becker. Closest to Pin 14: Nick Robinson


@JAG - Jefferson Alumni Golf
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